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Rubik's Cube

An amazing piece of magic with Rubik's cube!


Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini was one of the greatest magician ever in the history of mankind! He remained a magician even after his death. The legacy continues...


My UK Trip

In my last visit to UK, I lost my phone. So went to a booth to make a phone call. The view was amazing.It was in the afternoon (12-4 pm). 


Top 100 Lists

Google is the most powerful search engine on Earth. Have you checked the Real list of top 100 searches for celebrities or cities. Lets use this real online list for some magic


My Dubai Coffee Shop Experience

At the Dubai airport, I had an interesting experience with a coffee barista. I will send you an email...


Love Colors

Good couples always make same choice about their colors. Do you know it is true with good friends also. Some times we may find similar connection with total strangers as well. Let's test to out.


Send the link to the spectator

Netflix Movies

I may be able to guess what you are going to watch next on Netflix

Send the receiver to Nadia


Send the link to the spectator

Power of Google

Google is the most powerful search engine on Earth. Do you know how many searches happen in Google on a daily basis?


Shine's FB profile Photo

This is my profile photo. It can be magical too especially since a RayBan is involved...


Shine's Visiting Card

Harry Houdini was one of the greatest magician ever in the history of mankind! He remained a magician even after his death. The legacy continues...


Google Images

Google has the largest collection of Images on Earth. We can go to Google images directly by clicking the image to the right. Your minds could be autopaired


Coloring is always fun!

Who does not like to color. Lets make it magical..



Wikipedia is the place where we can find articles just about anything on earth. We can use wiki as a base to do some magic instead of using a book in real world


Playing Cards

A web album containing sharp images of playing cards


A web album of pictures

A web album containing random images of various things


Hollywood Actors / Actresses

The list of top Hollywood actors are available as an album online. Perfect for a magic!


Hypnotic Wheel

Magic with Hypnotic Wheel


Love Web Album

Good couples always make same choice about their colors. Do you know it is true with good friends also. Some times we may find similar connection with total strangers as well. Let's test to out.


Coco's Prediction

Coco predicted something cool. It may happen today. Lets check it out.


Prediction in a photo

I will predict exactly what you are thinking about.


Unknown caller

I will predict exactly what you are thinking about.


Swipe the card (symbol first - Hearts 8 instead of 8 Hearts), then tap on my phone to initiate the call

Card Magician

I will make you a card magician without any training


Serial Killer

Lets see if you can predict the serial killer

Open the final image on a separate device. Send a mail with the link

Screen Shot 2020-06-05 at 10.08.22
Screen Shot 2020-06-04 at 3.39.59 PM.png

PEP Email Prediction

Send a mail to the spectator and then thump the values

Inject: Open Inject on phone

Predict the movie you are thinking of

Send the Movies link for the Netflix Popcorn Effect


Send the Movies link for the Netflix Horror Movie Effect


Open the corresponding receiver in a laptop or iPad ( or

Last taken Photo Appearing in my website

  • Configure the album name in Voila and Tap to be the same

  • If it is screen shot, change the album name in Voila to recent ohoto

  • Send a mail to myself from Voila

Open my website and keep the photo on or partially hidden

Reveal the photo after I receive the notification from Voila

Xeno Movies List / Felippe Nerdi's Netflix Effect

Send the Xeno Movie Site link to the spectator

Once he receives, please do the pairing process


Open the Xeno thump transmitter and keep the remote ready

Open the corresponding Netflix receivers open or partially show.

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